Structural steels classified by tensile strength are primarily selected based on their tensile stress and yield strength values. They are commonly used in steel construction, bridge building, pressure vessels and equipment, vehicle manufacturing, and machinery construction.

These steels are generally defined as non-alloy steels, with mechanical properties primarily dependent on carbon content. However, elements such as nitrogen and phosphorus, as well as manganese, silicon, copper, and sulfur—originating from raw materials and production methods—also significantly affect their properties.

Structural steels are classified into quality groups. With the latest updates in standards:

First-quality group includes only St 33 steel. No chemical analysis values are specified for St 33 steel, and the production method and casting type are left unrestricted. It can be said that first-quality steels are not meticulously refined.

Second-quality group steels contain a maximum of 0.050% phosphorus (P) and 0.050% sulfur (S) and are mainly preferred for welded constructions. Silicon and manganese contents are also specified. Fe 37 steel can be *rimmed, **killed, or ***semi-killed cast. Fe 44, Fe 50, Fe 60, and Fe 70 steels must be either killed or semi-killed cast.

Third-quality group steels are ****aging-resistant and fine-grained steels, specifically cast as killed steels. Phosphorus and sulfur contents are limited to a maximum of 0.040%. They are generally deoxidized with 0.020% aluminum.

For the machining of general structural steels, normalized or cold-formed materials should be preferred. Except for normalizing and stress-relief annealing at approximately 600–650°C, structural steels are not subjected to heat treatment. This is due to the presence of undesirable elements in the composition, which can lead to strong precipitations and hardening cracks.

General structural steels are suitable for spot and roller seam welding, as well as resistance welding. Fe 60 and Fe 70 steels should be slow-cooled or immediately annealed after welding. If the carbon content of the steel is below 0.2%, other pressure welding methods may also be used.

Rimmed steel is a type of steel in which the iron oxide present in the molten steel reacts with a portion of the carbon during solidification in the mold, producing carbon monoxide gas bubbles that affect the steel’s structure and typically create a thin ferrite layer on the surface.
Killed steel is steel that has been fully deoxidized in the ladle or mold using an oxygen-binding (deoxidizing) agent to remove all dissolved oxygen. (This results in a more homogeneous structure compared to other types.)
Semi-killed steel is partially deoxidized steel, where only a portion of the oxygen in the molten steel is removed using a deoxidizing agent in the ladle or mold.
Aging-resistant steel is steel that maintains its impact resistance with minimal changes even after long periods of storage.
This translation uses proper metallurgical terminology to ensure accuracy. Let me know if you need further refinements!

Número de Material DIN (Antiguo) DIN (Nuevo) SAE / AISI DEOXIDACIÓN TRATAMIENTO TÉRMICO COMPOSICIÓN QUÍMICA (máx. % por peso)    
Mn max P max S max N max Al max    
1.0035 St 33  S185 - - U,N -   - - - -    
1.0037 St 37-2 S235JR - - U,N 0.17max 1.40max 0.045 0.045 0.009 -    
1.0036 USt 37-2 S235JRG1 A570Gr.33,36 K U,N 0.17max 1.40max 0.045 0.045 0.007 -    
1.0038 RSt 37-2  S235JRG2 A570Gr.36 S U,N 0.17max 1.40max 0.045 0.045 0.009 -    
1.0116 St 37-3 S235J2G3 A284Gr.D SS U,N 0.17max 1.40max 0.035 0.035 - 0.020    
1.0044 St 44-2 S275JR A570Gr.40 S U,N 0.21max 1.50max 0.045 0.045 0.009 -    
1.0144 St 44-3 S275J0 A573Gr.70 SS U,N 0.20max 1.50max 0.040 0.040 0.009 0.020    
1.0570 St 52-3 S355J0 - SS U,N 0.20max 1.60max 0.040 0.040 0.009 0.020    
1.0050 St 50-2  E295 A570Gr.50 S U,N 0.30ort   0.045 0.045 0.009 -    
1.0060 St 60-2 E335 - S U,N 0.40ort   0.045 0.045 0.009 -    
1.0070 St 70-2 E360 - S U,N 0.50ort   0.045 0.045 0.009 -    
K - Fundido con borde   S - Fundido tratado   SS - Fundido semi-tratado                
U - Laminado en caliente, sin tratar   N - Normalizado                  
(Dirección de conformado - Eje perpendicular)
( Mpa ) ( <> Mpa  ) ( <> %  )
< 3 mm ≥ 3 mm ≤ 16 mm ≥ 16 mm ≥ 40 mm ≥ 63 mm ≥ 80 mm ≤ 3 mm ≤ 40 mm ≤ 63 mm
  ≤ 100 mm   ≤ 40 mm ≤ 63 mm ≤ 80 mm ≤ 100 mm ≥ 40 mm ≥ 63 mm ≥ 100 mm
1.0035 St 33  S185 - 310 - 540 290 - 510 185 175 - - - 16 - -
1.0037 St 37-2 S235JR - 360 - 510 340 - 470 235 225       26 25 24
1.0036 USt 37-2 S235JRG1 A570Gr.33,36 360 - 510 340 - 470 235 225 215 215 195 26 25 24
1.0038 RSt 37-2  S235JRG2 A570Gr.36 360 - 510 340 - 470 235 225 215 215 215 26 25 24
1.0116 St 37-3 S235J2G3 A284Gr.D 360 - 510 340 - 470 235 225 215 215 215 26 25 24
1.0044 St 44-2 S275JR A570Gr.40 430 - 580 410 - 560 275 265 255 245 235 22 21 20
1.0144 St 44-3 S275J0 A573Gr.70 430 - 580 410 - 560 275 265 255 245 235 22 21 20
1.0570 St 52-3 S355J0 - 510 - 680 490 - 630 355 345 335 325 315 22 21 20
1.0050 St 50-2  E295 A570Gr.50 490 - 660 470 - 610 295 285 275 265 255 20 19 18
1.0060 St 60-2 E335 - 590 - 770 570 - 710 335 325 315 305 295 16 15 14
1.0070 St 70-2 E360 - 690 - 900 670 - 830 360 355 345 335 325 11 10 9
Número de Material DIN (Antiguo) DIN (Nuevo) SAE / AISI ÁREAS DE APLICACIÓN          
1.0035 St 33  S185 -            
1.0037 St 37-2 S235JR - En los sectores de construcción e industrial, utilizados para la fabricación de perfiles de caja, barras y perfiles industriales laminados en caliente          
1.0036 USt 37-2 S235JRG1 A570Gr.33,36 En los sectores de construcción e industrial, utilizados para la fabricación de perfiles de caja, barras y perfiles industriales laminados en caliente          
1.0038 RSt 37-2  S235JRG2 A570Gr.36 En el sector de la construcción, utilizados para materiales planos, materiales que requieren brillo, tubos soldados y sin soldadura.          
1.0116 St 37-3 S235J2G3 A284Gr.D En el sector de la construcción, utilizados para materiales planos, materiales que requieren brillo, tubos soldados y sin soldadura.          
1.0044 St 44-2 S275JR A570Gr.40 En los sectores de construcción e industrial, utilizados para la fabricación de perfiles industriales de alta resistencia laminados en caliente          
1.0144 St 44-3 S275J0 A573Gr.70 En los sectores de construcción e industrial, utilizados para la fabricación de perfiles industriales de alta resistencia laminados en caliente          
1.0570 St 52-3 S355J0 - En los sectores industrial y de construcción, para aplicaciones que requieren alta resistencia          
1.0050 St 50-2  E295 A570Gr.50 Más comúnmente utilizado en aplicaciones de esfuerzo de compresión, para la fabricación de palancas, moldes y bases para prensas          
1.0060 St 60-2 E335 - Para aplicaciones que requieren componentes de máquinas de alta resistencia, engranajes, etc.          
1.0070 St 70-2 E360 - En remaches, pernos especiales, cuñas y componentes de máquinas que requieren alta resistencia          
U: Fundido en caliente - R: Fundido recocido                    
Hasçelik Hasçelik Hasçelik